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GitHub Actions

2 posts with the tag “GitHub Actions”

Get Real-Time GitHub Stars Notifications in Discord

After refactoring our website, we noticed a rise in statistics and new stars on our GitHub repository. While GitHub doesn’t offer native notifications for new stars, we decided to create our own solution.

This guide walks you through setting up a GitHub Actions workflow to send real-time notifications to a private Discord channel whenever your repository gains new stars. It’s a fun way to track your project’s popularity and engage with your community. Follow along as we share our journey of building and tweaking this automation, complete with a screenshot of the notification we received on our phone.

GitHub Marketplace: Social Preview for Your GitHub Actions

When sharing a GitHub Action on social media, the default preview image might prominently display your GitHub profile picture, as seen with the “Update Issue Body” action on the GitHub Marketplace. To make a more informative and visually appealing preview, you can add a custom social preview image to your GitHub repository. This custom image enhances the appearance of social media posts and is also used when sharing links to your GitHub Action on the Marketplace.

Creating a custom social preview image is straightforward and guided by GitHub’s documentation. The recommended size is 1280x640 pixels for optimal display on high-resolution devices. GitHub provides a template with safe zones to use as a starting point. After designing and uploading the image, tools like can verify its appearance across social media platforms. For a ready-made solution, a reusable Figma template named “GitHub Actions and Repo Social Previews” simplifies the creation of custom images.