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6 posts with the tag “GitHub”

Get Real-Time GitHub Stars Notifications in Discord

After refactoring our website, we noticed a rise in statistics and new stars on our GitHub repository. While GitHub doesn’t offer native notifications for new stars, we decided to create our own solution.

This guide walks you through setting up a GitHub Actions workflow to send real-time notifications to a private Discord channel whenever your repository gains new stars. It’s a fun way to track your project’s popularity and engage with your community. Follow along as we share our journey of building and tweaking this automation, complete with a screenshot of the notification we received on our phone.

Who Is the Ghost User on Github?

This morning, I woke up to over 200+ GitHub notifications, all spam discussions cluttering my inbox. Titles like “WATCH Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes FuLLMovie (.Free.)…” and “FREE-ROBUX-GENERATOR-2024-FREE-ROBUX-NEW-CODES-DAILY BONUS” demanded my attention. While deleting and reporting these, I mistakenly reported the user “ghost”, which GitHub Support clarified is a placeholder for deleted users’ contributions. The ghost user ensures that discussions, issues, and commits from deleted accounts remain intact.

The ghost user plays a vital role in maintaining repository integrity and continuity. By attributing deleted users’ contributions to the ghost user, GitHub preserves valuable historical insights and project cohesion. This mechanism activates when users delete their accounts or GitHub removes accounts for policy violations. The ghost user helps future contributors benefit from past discussions and maintains the overall project flow, highlighting its importance in the GitHub ecosystem. Generate an Image of GitHub Repositories Top Contributors is an online tool that generates an image showcasing the top contributors of a GitHub repository, which can be embedded in websites or Markdown files, including README files. This free service, provides a visual representation of repository activity, celebrating and encouraging contributions.

Using is straightforward: visit the website, enter a GitHub repository name, and generate an image representing its top contributors. The tool offers options to customize the image, such as setting the maximum number of contributors and the number of columns. This visual representation can be embedded using provided HTML or Markdown code, enhancing the visibility and appeal of a project’s README or website.

Repobeats: GitHub README analytics

Repobeats is a tool that provides analytics for GitHub repositories, allowing users to embed detailed visual representations of repository activity into any Markdown file, including README files. Maintained by, Repobeats is free to use but not open source. It offers insights like the number of contributions in the last 30 days, the ratio of opened to closed issues, the number of PRs opened and commits, and a heatmap showcasing top contributors’ activity. This visual representation highlights repository activity, encourages contributions, and celebrates top contributors.

To install Repobeats, users need a GitHub account. Simply log into Repobeats with GitHub credentials, select the repository to analyze, and obtain a URL for embedding the analytics image into Markdown files. This URL provides a comprehensive snapshot of repository activity, demonstrated with examples from repositories like and freeCodeCamp. Repobeats’ ability to display real-time data makes it a valuable resource for promoting and managing open-source projects on GitHub.

GitHub Marketplace: Social Preview for Your GitHub Actions

When sharing a GitHub Action on social media, the default preview image might prominently display your GitHub profile picture, as seen with the “Update Issue Body” action on the GitHub Marketplace. To make a more informative and visually appealing preview, you can add a custom social preview image to your GitHub repository. This custom image enhances the appearance of social media posts and is also used when sharing links to your GitHub Action on the Marketplace.

Creating a custom social preview image is straightforward and guided by GitHub’s documentation. The recommended size is 1280x640 pixels for optimal display on high-resolution devices. GitHub provides a template with safe zones to use as a starting point. After designing and uploading the image, tools like can verify its appearance across social media platforms. For a ready-made solution, a reusable Figma template named “GitHub Actions and Repo Social Previews” simplifies the creation of custom images.

Display Your Sponsors in Your GitHub READMEs

Showcasing your sponsors in GitHub READMEs is a great way to acknowledge their support and attract potential sponsors. An easy way to do this is by using SponsorKit, developed by Anthony Fu. SponsorKit generates sponsor images compatible with GitHub Sponsors, Open Collective, Patreon, and Afdian. By following a few steps, you can create and display these sponsor images in your project’s README file. You’ll need a GitHub account, at least one sponsor, and a personal access token. A template repository is available to simplify the setup process.